First off - If you haven't read Ender's Game , do so. Second, after doing so, go see the movie. If you've done neither of those, probably don't read this. Me writing about Ender is nothing new per se, but in some ways it is, so here we go again. Ender. Ender's Game . If you've forgotten the past, feel free to refresh yourself. This and this are my most important writings to date on Ender. Ender and I have been an experience and journey like no other. Years we've been on this road, and now the movie adds a new layer to that. I -against all trepidations about doing so- went and saw it. I will note here (this could easily spiral out of control into its own rant-y diatribe, so I will not let it) my extreme dislike of Card as a person for his personal agenda/beliefs. His homophobia is rampant and very problematic. However, I must say that Ender is still one of the characters that hits closest to home for me -deeply, wholly, on ALL levels of who I am- and so...