A Step Behind...

*chirp chirp*


Sure has been quiet around here! Eesh. July?!

I'm a awful blogger.

But I'll have you know that things are settling down at work, I'm doing more writing, I'm back at it creatively, and thus am now wanting to re-emerge as a budding, young, lovely blogger as well.

I fully intend to recap my ever-so-wonderful and all-too-short summer of 2011 before the year has escaped me! So there! En garde and such!

Upcoming posts to look forward to:
- Summer 2011 (There are 4 more chapters already in draft mode, maybe a 5th if I feel like it)
- Movies! I have seen alot of movies
- Books! I apparently missed a post on books so there's a whole lot of those coming your way! The first one's been done since like May. Seriously.
- I have 9 posts in various stages of draftage. So get ready for some BLOGUNDATION! YEAHHHHH



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