Going the Distance

Yesterday I went to the doctor.

And he told me everything I wanted to hear. Like that I could "stomp around" on my foot as much as I want, so NO MORE CRUTCHES!!! *Dances* He said that I am healing great and that the xrays show there's new bone growth in the leg. Only way I can break it again is if I get hit with another car. This makes me entirely overjoyed. He also said as soon as I can hop 5x on my foot without trouble I can return to sports, hiking, and other vigorous activities. I tried, and so far I'm at 0 hops. ;)

We'll take it slow. Doc says that the swelling and some of the bruising could take up to 6 months to go away completely, so I'm not done being careful. But it's nice to not have the crutches anymore; I was getting to hating them. Basically he says that the muscles in the leg are packed super tight like saran wrap, and then when you go and cut a slit in it (the incisions in both sides of my leg), when it heals again it doesn't go back together as tightly. The only major downside of this is that my leg will never fully recover it's stamina, but that will only be noticeable if I try and use it a ton. So there is no future for me in marathon running, darn it all.

That's also alot of the reason there is swelling and bruising; all the nerves and everything else has to find new pathways from the slicing when they did the surgeries.

So with that happy news under my belt, today Turtle and I headed out for some overdue geocaching (lil sis came too). We decided to make the journey on bikes, since that's easier at this point that actually walking.

And then in accordance with our "take it easy" rules...

...we rode twelve miles. HAHA.

There's just no keeping me down. I'll be at 5 hops in no time. Just as soon as I can walk normally again.


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