Summer 2011 - Chapter 6: Turtle Visit

Summer 2011: Chapter 6 - Turtle Visit.

A month and a few days after I kicked her out, Turtle came back to Utah. She came for longer than the time she spent with me, but I made her give me three and a half days. Thursday night I surprised her with tickets to the Goo Goo Dolls concert, and she was ecstatic. The opening band was the reason *I* was going: Parachute. I started listening to them (and loving them) from the first time they showed up on my Pandora station. Now they are getting all huge and popular. :/ Michelle Branch was there too, and we didn't completely hate her. Then Goo Goo came on, whom I have loved since my older brother introduced me and they played Rockin' New Year's Eve with Dick Clark in 1996. It was a great concert, and had a ton of fun.

Friday I worked, so she went elsewhere, then she met me there. We went and got some Buca, then headed for the theatre (to which she did not know we were going). Surprise! We had tickets to Saturday's Voyeur. We loved it so much the year before, we had to see it again. She was so excited. Her roommate and BF joined us and we had a great time snacking on bruschetta and eating salad, all the while watching the play making fun of Utah politics. Then it was home to continue whittling pages toward the end of DragonLance.

Saturday morning we got up and went to Frisbee and Turtle even played. Then it was time to hurriedly pick up the tux and get ready for the evening that would arrive all too soon. But we got stuck on the train because there were people on the tracks and then the driver had to hit the emergency brakes and then didn't know how to get the thing started again once he'd done that. *le sigh*

When we finally got to the city, I rushed over to get fitted, then sent Turtle to meet up I had already been fitted for it, but when I got it the pieces were all wrong, and the guy had to re-hem and fix things; he did so while assisting other people. I was incredibly annoyed and going to be late. He had to sew some buttons onto a vest for me as well, which he had no clue how to do (it was obvious to me). Thank God for cell phones. I sent Turtle off to meet my friends at the theatre and get tickets and tell them I was coming, only to find out that we had the movie time wrong!

Some things are blessings in disguise I guess... the extra time allowed me to get a haircut, then I showed up at the theatre, tux in hand, to see the afternoon showing of Another Earth (post forthcoming). After that we scurried to my house to get dressed. I left Turtle at my house and walked to the Salt Palace myself for the Capitol Club private reception preceding the main event, for which Turtle had come to Utah, the 2011 Equality Utah Allies Dinner.

We had a blast at the event, even one of my old professors came to support me and mine. And I got a spot in a video clip! I'm famous!

Sunday morning Turtle joined me for QUAC and swam like four lanes up from me, which was absurd. She has alot of swimming experience, I guess, because she was good enough to swim with people I only dream of. Then we spent the rest of the day just reading before going to Faustina for dinner. It was hard to come to the end of the series, especially considering HOW it ends. She saw it coming and said "no" repeatedly, but that can't change what's written on the page, no matter how much you want it to. So she cried and I tried super hard NOT to cry (because I'm supposed to be the impartial, unaffected narrator), but with no success. I ended up bawling too, to the point I almost couldn't finish reading. But we had made it through: 7 books, 3362 pages; so many wonderful characters and stories who will always have a special place in my heart, and now hers too. Then I had to say goodbye to her as she headed down to Provo to continue her visit elsewhere. :/ I guess I should share, huh? <.< But I like monopolizing...

It was grand to see her and we know there will be many more visits in the future. That pretty much wraps up my Summer, which led to Fall, which quickly became Winter. More posts coming soon finishing up the loose ends of 2011.


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