Book book book

Well, I still haven't finished How to be you own Literary Agent, but I did finish the other book I was reading. And moved on to a number of others as well. Don't worry, I'll finish that one eventually...

Jeanette Walls' The Glass Castle - Grade: A. Hilarious. 100%. Such a beautiful (tragic!) memoir of Jeanette's childhood. There is alot of swearing, but beyond that this book is an absolute riot. Loved it. Would buy it.

Sara Gruen's Water For Elephants - Grade: A. An thoroughly researched historical fiction/murder mystery piece revolving around the circus. Really, really well done. Also very gritty (it's the circus), so you've been warned ahead of time. There's sex, and there's language. GRITTY. But Sara is brilliant in that she sets up the climax at the beginning, and then leads you to believe something that's not true the entire time, until you reach the climax again. I was way surprised. And so will you when you read it.

Autumn Cornwell's Carpe Diem - Grade: C. I read this book for Kerry. I... I don't know. It was about a psycho-obsessive girl trying to get a 5.3 GPA, who is ripped away from her life to go to Southeast Asia with her grandma to backpack for a summer, and only after her parents are blackmailed about this supposedly "super crazy" secret. Yeah, the book kinda fell short in alot of places. What the random Asian-cowboy wanna-be? Don't really recommend this one.

Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451 - Grade: B. Most of you read this book in High School I'm guessing. Somehow, this one wasn't on the reading list of any class I took. Ever. So I gave it a go. I'm torn. Half of me writhes with the overwrought language trying so desperately to be flowery and pretty against a dull and withered background. And the other half raves this book is fantastic. Brilliant, pithy, one to make you think. Maybe it's both? The CODA was my favorite part, and maybe that's what's got me no-longer-as-passionately-up-in-arms over the language. The author does a good job defending his usage and word choice. Sigh. I dunno. Weird, definitely.

Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass - Grade: B. Pretty cool story, though some of the accents bugged me and I didn't think he was a very prolific descriptionist. And some things were downright confusing and not explained very well. No wonder people get all uppity about religion and anti-godness in here. Cuz you could argue that. But you argue against it too. Because it's all vague and mushy. Yech. Nevertheless I enjoyed the story, and even found parts engaging and thrilling as with any great story; I'll probably be going on to the second and third.

John Gardner’s Grendel – Grade: C. Apparently a Beowulf spin-off written from Grendel’s perspective. My bro recommended it after having read it in some class. The back boasts of its “genius” and that it deserves a spot with Lord of the Flies, Cat’s Cradle, and Catcher in the Rye. I dunno about that. When I read those books, I’ll let you know for sures. But I wasn’t overly impressed. The art was kinda cool. But the storyline wasn’t really...there. And the syntax was rambly, changed styles and voices with no explanation or seeming recourse, and came across as schizophrenic hodge-podge to me. But maybe I’m just forgetting how old-school texts are supposed to go? Prolly won’t ever re-read this one. Then again, that’s unfortunately how I feel about a lot of the crap we read in school, so maybe it does have a place on the shelf with those stories after all. :P

Terri Farley's Phantom Stallion - Wild Horse Island #6: Sea Shadow - Grade: D-. Book 2 I read for Kerry. Well, on this one it was more like she paid me to read it, because ICK. This story was so lame. The writing was crap, the characters were crap, and the plot was completely non-existent. I mean things happened, but nothing happened. Even when there was supposedly this huge earthquake/tsunami which tore up the whole island, it didn't get described and sorta seemed to happen off to the side from what the reader was given. Yes, I like that. This book's entire plot took place just off-screen, which is super dumb. Also, it was book 6, so technically I should have read the other 5 (but you couldn't pay me enough to do so); however, the author kept making references to obscure things I didn't know about. Either she managed to work every single detail of all 5 others books into this one, or she's just really, really bad at writing. Which I think she is. This book, SUCKED. The End.

Nina Wright's Homefree - Grade: A. Book 3 for Miz Kerry. Wow! I was nervous about this one since it deals with paranormals and that market is already pretty heavily covered by things like X-men and HEROES, but it was fresh and interesting. And I'm totally excited to read the sequel (which I'm soooo glad there is one! This book was phenom, but really it was just builder for what I'm hoping is going to be an amazing 2nd story). This is one I'd keep on my bookshelf. Well Done, Nina Wright.

Ann Creel's Under A Stand Still Moon - Grade: C. Book 4 for SWILUA. This book tried way too hard to be historical. Half the time it felt like I was reading an archaeology paper from one of my college classes. The names were awful. And the completely original "tribal" songs were just horrific. They were soooooo bad. I know without a doubt in my mind that she wrote them. Everytime I read one of the "songs" I cringed. Visibly cringed. And everytime a song was mentioned I prayed silently to the Twin War Gods of the Mesa that the next page wouldn't have the dreaded words - just mention it in passing, and let's move on with the story. Eesh.

Thomas Brodeur's Regina Silbsy's Phantom Militia - Grade: D. Book 5 for zee Boss. I'm not huge into historical fiction, but I won't lie, this book started out really cool. The American Revolution, Redcoats, all that. But no. They had to go and RUIN the book with Jesus. Lots and lots and lots of Jesus. Like pause the story ALL THE TIME so we could have a few pages on the importance of prayer, or a huge long discourse about how we are all sinners and need to "exchange cloaks" with the Almighty One. If I want religion, I go to church. I don't want it muddying up the plot in what would have been an otherwise excellent war-novel. Bah.

Timothy Carter's Epoch - Grade: A-. Book 6 for Kerrisha. This book totally made fun of organized religion in amazing and hilarious ways. It also hated on Harry Potter and Wal-Mart (without name dropping of course). HILARIOUS. Some of the fight scenes (against demons) got a little hard to follow (like the one where the elves are killing the trolls while being eaten by demons who are being kicked by humans with the two girls in the hospital bed and the Triumvirate-(Holy Book!)-Thumping brother dances around crazily). A really cool feature was that the chapters start and 30 and count backwards (to the end of the world!) which I'd never seen done before. All-around a fun read, a good time, and one I didn't want to put down.


SWILUA said…
ur boss keeps you busy!
David said…
Whew. I'm just glad she FINALLY got around to publishing my latest G.B.R. so I could link it and finally publish this post!


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